Your new primers are automatically tagged with a GenBank style feature key that makes them easier to see in an alignment. The primers are color-coded by direction for easy identification any time you use them AND you will never get them confused thanks to their naming convention.
Sequencher has integrated the comprehensive Cufflinks suite for in-depth transcript analysis and differential gene expression of your RNA-Seq data. Sequencher can easily generate unique visualizations of your RNA-Seq data with custom plots and charts giving you publication-ready graphics in seconds.
SANGER DNA ANALYSIS Sequencher's extensive Sanger analysis features are the foundation it was built upon.
转换方差表 转换方差表总结了选定的一组样品中的所有差异。因为表与底层序列数据相连,所以它是验证突变导致转换改变和检查表达载体的理想选择。 与将引用匹配为空白单元格的方差表不同,转换后的方差表以浅灰色显示匹配。这让您能看到密码子的差异,这些密码子仍然会导致的匹配。您甚至可以在复查模式中同时看到方差表和转换方差表,这样您就可以地确定哪一个DNA序列改变导致蛋白质序列改变。
The role of PCA is to reduce the complexity of your dataset into a reduced set of uncorrelated variables or principal components. The analysis seeks to explain the maximum amount of variance with the least number of principal components.
欢迎来到北京天演融智软件有限公司网站, 具体地址是北京市海淀区海淀街道上地东路35号院1号楼3层1-312318、1-312-319,联系人是张经理。