结果说明 Grapher提供广泛的图形类型选项和无数的定制选项,让您以容易理解的格式表达您复杂的想法。让您的数据跟Grapher说话。 值得信任的解决方案 Grapher受到数以千计的科学家、和商业的信任。他们信任Grapher并用它展示数据。 功能 创建的图表 快速创建令人惊叹的信息丰富的2D和3D图形。有**过70个不同的图表类型并使用Grapher已有的图表功能来展现您的数据。 Create one of more than 60 unique graph types. Create 2D or 3D linear or logarithmic line, scatter, function, class scatter, bubble, bar charts, and floating bar chart graphs. Create line , bar, rose, wind, and radar polar plots.
The GrapherTM program is furnished under a license agreement. The Grapher software, user’s guide, and quick start guide may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. It is against the law to copy the software, user’s guide, or quick start guide on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license agreement. Contents are subject to change without notice. Grapher is a registered trademark of Golden Software, LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Grapher定制选项 添加图例、标题和坐标轴 包括插入缩放或图形放大镜 编辑所有轴参数,多轴 格式轴刻度为线性、对数、自然对数、概率或日期/时间 整合多个图形 添加拟合曲线、错误条和统计报表 将每个图形组件放置在的位置 定义自定义行样式、颜色和填充 编辑文本、行、填充和符号属性 添加文本、折线、多边形、符号和样条线 更多…….
Trusted Solution Grapher is trusted by thousands of scientists, engineers, and business professionals across the globe. Experience Grapher for yourself and see why so many people trust Grapher to display their data.
欢迎来到北京天演融智软件有限公司网站, 具体地址是北京市海淀区海淀街道上地东路35号院1号楼3层1-312318、1-312-319,联系人是张经理。