STATA 新功能 ERM=内生性+选择+处理 在连续、二元、有序和删剪结果中结合内源性变量、样本选择和模型的内源性处理 潜在类别分析(LCA) 发现并理解数据中未被观测到的组。使用LCA基于模型的分类功能找出分组 一共有多少个分组 这些分组中都有谁 这些分组有什么区别 叶斯:logistic和其他44种新功能 输入 bayes:45个Stata评估命令都可以用来拟合贝叶斯回归模型 完整的数据管理功能 Stata的数据管理功能让您控制所有类型的数据。
You can find Bayesian VAR models and Bayesian linear and nonlinear DSGE models among the new Bayesian econometrics features of Stata 17, and much more: Bayesian VAR models Bayesian IRF and FEVD analysis
您可以重组数据,管理变量,并收集各组并重复统计。您可以处理字节,整数,long, float,double和字符串变量(包括BLOB和达到20亿个字符的字符串)。Stata还有一些的工具用来管理的数据,如生存/时间数据、时间序列数据、面板/纵向数据、分类数据、多重替代数据和调查数据。 Stata轻松生成出版质量、风格迥异的图形。您可以编写脚本并以可复制的方式生成成百上千个图形,并且可以以EPS或TIF格式输出打印、以PNG格式或SVG格式输出放到网上、或PDF格式输出预览。使用这个图形编辑器可更改图形的方面,或添加标题、注释、横线、箭头和文本。
The new meta suite is broad, but what sets it apart is its simplicity. You can type, for instance, . meta set effectsize stderr to declare precomputed effect sizes or use meta esize to compute effects from summary data. With this, you can perform random-effects, fixed-effects, or common-effect meta-analysis. To estimate an overall effect size and its confidence interval, obtain heterogeneity statistics, and more, you simply type . meta summarize And visualizing the results is as easy as typing . meta forestplot But the meta suite provides much more. Meta-regression and subgroup analysis allow you to evaluate the heterogeneity of studies. These are available via meta regress and meta forestplot, subgroup() or meta summarize, subgroup(). You can investigate potential publication bias. Check visually for funnel-plot asymmetry using meta funnelplot; formally test for funnel-plot asymmetry using meta bias; and assess publication bias using the trim-and-fill method with meta trimfill. You can even perform cumulative meta-analysis with meta summarize, cumulative(). All the meta-analysis features are documented in the new Meta-analysis Reference Manual.
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