Lin's Concordance Correlation Coefficient Grubbs' Outlier Test Normality Tests Mixed Models Click here to see additional details about mixed models in NCSS. Mixed Models - General Mixed Models - No Repeated Measures Mixed Models - Repeated Measures Mixed Models - Random Coefficients Multivariate Analysis Click here to see additional details about multivariate analysis in NCSS. Factor Analysis Principal Components Analysis Canonical Correlation Equality of Covariance Discriminant Analysis Hotelling's One-Sample T2 Hotelling's Two-Sample T2 Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) Correspondence Analysis Loglinear Models Multidimensional Scaling Nondetects Data Click here to see additional details about nondetects data analysis in NCSS.
orrelation (Pearson, Spearman, Kendall's Tau) Correlation Correlation and Linear Regression Linear Regression and Correlation Linear Regression and Correlation (Old Version) Correlation Matrix
The Three Primary NCSS Windows NCSS is controlled by three main windows: 1. Data Window 2. Procedure Windows 3. Output Window Each window has its own menu bar and tool bar. We will now briefly describe each of the three.
Easy Analysis Set-up The analysis and graphics tools are easy to use and have built-in help messages for every option.
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