number. Changing the End requires clicking on the existing style and clicking on a new style in the list. The selections in the Property Manager control which properties are displayed. Properties are hidden when they do not have an effect on the object. For example when the Gradient is set to None on the Fill page, the Colormap and Fill orientation properties are hidden.
完全兼容 无缝地可视化和分析来自多个数据源的数据。Grapher可以读取多种文件格式,包括ACCDB、DBF和XLSL。Grapher还支持多种流行的输出格式。轻松管理Grapher中的数据。 自信的协助 迅速与同事、利益相关者和客户分析您的图表。快速输出可打印的高质量格式,如PDF或TIFF,或输出PNG或SVG格式在线共享您的工作。另外,Grapher能轻松的插入图表到演示工具中,一个简单的复制粘贴就能插入到Microsoft Word或PowerPoint中。
The plot window updates to show the selected object with a selection bounding box and the status bar displays the name of the selected object. To select multiple objects, hold down the CTRL key and click on each object. To select multiple adjacent objects at the same level in the tree, click on the first object's name, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click on the last object's name.
Worksheet Window The worksheet window contains commands to display, edit, enter, and save data. The worksheet window has several useful and powerful editing, transformation, and statistical operations available. Several import and export options are available for opening data files from other spreadsheet programs. The Data Tools tab is automatically selected when you open or switch to a worksheet document. To enter data in a worksheet, use the File | Open command to open an existing data file or click the File | New | Worksheet command to create a blank worksheet. Data already used to create plots can be opened in the worksheet window with the Graph Tools | Worksheet | Display command.
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