logger file (in ASCII format). Test data can also be inserted from a Windows text editor, spreadsheet, or database by cutting and pasting through the clipboard. Automatic type curve fitting to a data set can be performed for standard graphical solution
o Multi-well and Single well solutions o Step test/well loss methods o Easily create and compare multiple analysis methods based on the same data set
Theis Recovery · Cooper-Jacob Type I (Time Drawdown) · Cooper-Jacob Type II (Distance-Drawdown) · Cooper-Jacob Type III (Time-Distance-Drawdown)
methods in AquiferTest. However, you are encouraged to use your professional judgment to validate the graphical match based on your knowledge of the geologic and hydrogeologic setting of the test. To refine the curve fit, you can manually fit the data to a type curve using your mouse or the parameter controls. With AquiferTest, you can analyze three types of test results:
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