Surfer用户界面的功能特征 欢迎对话框开始您的工作 地图向导快速让您生成地图和模型 自定义色带和快速访问工具栏 所有窗口停靠或浮动 单个窗口查看、编辑和操作数据和地图 内容窗口轻松管理图层和模型的图层 用于快速编辑功能的属性窗口 工作表窗口查看或编辑原始数据
Surfer Geoprocessing Tools View, create, edit and delete object attributes using the convenient Attribute Table Calculate attribute values Query objects based on attribute values Perform Delaunay triangulation Reshape, simplify, smooth polylines, polygons, and grids Create buffers around points, polylines, and polygons
Full Grid Control Surfer gives you extensive control over grid files. Create isopach maps for structural geology, calculate volumes for inventory management or derivatives for terrain analysis, and even create site suitability models all with grid files. Achieve a complete understanding of your underlying data. Surfer Grid Features Directly edit the underlying grid data Calculate volume and area of grids Add, subtract, multiply, and divide grids Perform custom mathematical functions on grids Calculate differential and integral operations or Fourier and spectral analysis Convert areas to nodata Project grids from one coordinate system to another Mosaic multiple grids together seamlessly Transform, offset, rescale, rotate, or mirror grids Filter grids with high- and low-pass filters Extract smaller areas from a grid Subtract the Z in the grid from the original Z
Surfer轻松管理未引用的数据和数据在不同的多坐标系统投影。 Export all your data! Export a contour map to MIF, SHP, GSB, GSI, BLN or BNA file formats and the Z values are stored as metadata. In addition,when exporting a contour map to KML file, the Z values of the contours are saved as the Object ID for the polyline objects.
欢迎来到北京天演融智软件有限公司网站, 具体地址是北京市海淀区海淀街道上地东路35号院1号楼3层1-312318、1-312-319,联系人是张经理。